
Cum sociis Theme natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturie montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur ullamcorper id ultricies nisi.

1-677-124-44227 184 Main Collins Street, West Victoria 8007 Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00, Sunday CLOSED
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When you arrive at Dr. Eric Goodman‘s Carpenteria home and Foundation Training base camp, you’re instantaneously at ease. It’s mostly the super-relaxed vibe Goodman and his business partners/friends emanate as they stroll barefoot along the patio. (The dogs running up and down the stairs have a little to do with it, too.) Or it might be the fact that his whimsical home is tucked away behind Hass avocado fields, a good distance off the Pacific Coast Highway where the rustling leaves and treetop view make you forget about the California traffic. Whatever the reason, you’re damn happy to be there. And that’s what Goodman’s revolutionary Foundation Training is all about: being happy. By isolating your back muscles with exercises employed to

By: Alex Hutchinson When I returned to Mountain biking at 35 years old my fitness level was terrible. I was 25 pounds overweight and struggling with Bronchitis. Through Mountain Bike riding, training and racing I lost the weight and got in top form but I started having problems with my lower back. At 37 when I started BMX Racing the same problem came up. My lower back just couldn't handle the workload of working, riding, training and racing. My back pain affected my outcomes, forcing me to miss more than one event. I let the excuses rule for a short while. You know them - old age, genetic predispositions, Physical limitations - the lies we tell ourselves when life seems too hard. Yet