June 2020 Newsletter

As a Global Community, we continue to search for a way a forward through hard times, a complicated past, and an uncertain future, Foundation Training remains focused on it’s primary strength as a company: providing accessible, equitable, and powerful tools for self-care.
All bodies deserve to feel and move better, and we will continue to search for new, and inventive, ways to ensure those looking for less pain and improved performance will find an ally in us.
Over the past few months you’ve reached out to us with requests for new certifications, new programs, and new live talks, and we’ve taken leaps to ensure that you’re heard and that action steps are taken. Read on for updates on a few of our current and upcoming projects.
Move well and move often,
– The Foundation Training Team
New on FT Streaming

The Daily Quarantine Series
For almost three months now, Program Director Jessie Salas has filmed daily movement and educational videos from all over the world. We’re editing and putting these videos into longer pieces. Watch along and learn as he takes you through the various exercise and breathing techniques he uses to compliment our work. Enjoy this first compilation of just a few of the over 40 videos he recorded and shared with you on our FT Streaming Platform.

Lifestyle Programs
If you’re just starting your journey with FT Streaming and you’re asking “how do I incorporate this into my daily life?” take a look at the Lifestyle category. We’ve loaded three compressive programs there and are adding more soon. The True to Form program is a supplement to Dr. Goodman’s second book and contains two full length workouts designed to take our FT work into your everyday movement.
A Return to Live Certifications AND a New Website!
The Global Pandemic has gravely impacted our ability to provide live certifications and instruction. We’ve had to reevaluate how to best serve those seeking to improve their communities by becoming a part of ours. This has led us to put our heads down and work towards a new way of educating you.
We’re excited to announce that we are still holding our in-person 50th Certification this September in Austin, Texas! This will truly be a special event for us and we’d love to have you as a part of it. We know that many of you have asked about online certifications and although we’re not ready to launch a program of that magnitude, we are aggressively exploring how we can do that and maintain the quality of work you’ve come to expect.
We’ve also used these past few months to redevelop our website and are coming close to its launch! You’ll find new ways to connect with us, simpler navigation, engaging articles and content, and more avenues to keep you in the loop as we continue to grow!
Stay tuned, check in often, and keep asking more of us.
Tips, Tricks, and Coaching Cues
Avoiding the “Glute Squeeze”
“Squeeze the Glutes” is one phrase you’ll never hear from us when practicing Foundation Training. Engaging the glutes by clenching them can prevent you from accessing all the benefits of FT exercises.
Often times in the Anchored Bridge, the glutes will take over. The error occurs when, instead of tensioning hamstrings and floating the hips, we start to clench the glutes and drive the hips forcefully up. This can result in an angry back. Try to ease your tension by engaging the hamstrings first by pressing your heels into the ground and pulling them toward the hips.
The next time you practice the Anchored Bridge pay attention to these two things first:
1. Check-in on your inside thighs and maintain their inward rotation and Anchor
2. Traction the heels to hips to avoid disconnecting the hamstrings
– Jessie Salas
Program Director
FT Anatomy with Dr. Goodman

The Glutes
The gluteal muscles have many jobs, but are primarily abductors, so while they do participate in external rotation, they are really meant to move the femur (thigh) away from the pelvis or opposite leg.
In Foundation Training we spend a lot of time discussing and working on the internal rotation of the hips to juxtapose all of the external rotation present in our daily lives. This is to combat the issues and symptoms that tend to happen when too much external rotation is present in the hips baseline posture. Some of those symptoms include Sciatica, Plantar Fasciitis, Low Back Pain, Hip Pain, SI Joint Pain.

External rotation is not the primary goal of the gluteal muscles, it’s the responsibility of deeper, small muscles the including the piriformis muscle that should being doing most of the work.
Once external rotation muscles remain shortened due to over emphasis, the effective contractions of the larger gluteals are compromised. So, in Foundation Training, we teach you not to squeeze your glutes so that you don’t continue adding pressure to your problems.
Once the External rotation muscles, and the gluteal muscles have a healthier communication, you will notice substantial improvements to the strength of your glutes.
– Dr. Eric Goodman
Virtual Instructor Spotlight

As much of the world continues to open back up after Covid-19 related shut downs, opportunities to work with qualified instructors are still limited. We’re continuing to support our community of virtual and live trainers. Let one of them guide you through your questions and adapt the work to meet your specific needs!
Meet our GLOBAL Instructor Community
People are having trouble in the non-emergency health industry, it’s a reality that can be helped by getting gift certificates, maintaining your gym membership during the tough time, supporting your coaches, therapists, and teachers by letting them know you’ll be seeking their services once life lifts a bit.
We’ve got over one thousand instructors around the globe and a lot of them are VERY EFFECTIVE over Skype or FaceTime training. We will be starting a campaign to push towards CyberTraining during this time.
If you need FT type Symptom Relief we would seriously suggest finding a certified instructor and asking for a virtual session. The list is up and live on our site! Our organization will not make any money from anything you do with FT instructors, just know they are a legitimate option and plentiful. We want all of you to collectively feel better.
– The Foundation Training Team
Click on the link below to locate a virtual instructor near you! REMEMBER, start by trying to find someone local to you first.
Upcoming Events

Level 1 – Austin, TX – Sept 18-20, 2020 (The Onnit Academy)